[wanabidii] Imagine Escaping the Tyranny of Polls

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Politics of Truth reflect light, the seeds of which if planted brings forth
success and progress......But, the politics of Lies brings darkness of
which drives majority who are not of their clas, pain and long sufferings
coupled with hopelessness, failures with greater sufferings.......signs
of which is the Economic Crisis and voters must beware not to accept
to be driven towards a lying lane.......
Darkness have no power where light shines........
Darkness melts away when it sees light....and the Truth is light; lies
gets defeated when the Truth charge........and people love the truth...
however painful the Truth is; the Truth sets us free indeed......
Tonight in a few hours, President Obama should convince voters and
viewers the Debt Crisis Burden he inheritated, his achievements, where
we are now "although not perfect" we are headed to the right direction,
that he discriminates no body, but cannot agree with those who want to
suppress the middle-class and the poor, which is why he is pulling all
people towards the middle....and from the centre, opportunities spread
outward to all without selfishness, greed, marginalization, intimidation
or through oppressive rule........It is because, if we are fair to all, there
shall be no monopoly........but there will be competitiveness........and
everyone will work hard......and if you work hard, sky shall be the limit.
.....and that, he cannot do it alone without people engaging with their
votes to change their destiny for better........so all i.e. the Rich and the
Poor including the middle-class must play by the same rules......and
Pay Taxes like everybody else......
Cheers people.....!!!!

Judy Miriga
Diaspora Spokesperson
Executive Director
Confederation Council Foundation for Africa Inc.,
The ED Show - Clinton takes responsibility for Benghazi attack
Published on Oct 15, 2012 by Licentiathe8th

Oct 15, 2012
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton may have decided to fall on her sword to deflect criticism from President Obama over the attack in Benghazi during tomorrow night's debate. But the President might have the edge when it comes to content and format anyway. Ed Schultz talks about what we can expect for tomorrow night's debate with the Huffington Post's Howard Fineman and Michelle Goldberg of Newsweek and The Daily Beast.

Martin Bashir - GOP pushing Libya 'cover-up' message, sans evidence
Published on Oct 15, 2012 by Licentiathe8th

Oct 15, 2012
Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Maryland, joins Martin Bashir to refute Republicans who claim the White House is engaged in a Libya "cover-up" -- and why this political witch hunt, espoused in part by the Romney-Ryan ticket, is eerily similar to the one they tried with "Fast and Furious."

Martin Bashir - Romney hypocritical on great wail of China?
Published on Oct 15, 2012 by Licentiathe8th

Oct 15, 2012
Bloomberg View columnist Jonathan Alter and Republican strategist Robert Traynham debate whether Mitt Romney is hypocritical to walk a hawkish economic line on China -- despite his substantial investments there.

MSNBC's Martin Bashir Blasts Mitt Romney on Sensata
Rachel Maddow - Obama having trouble turning math into message
Published on Oct 15, 2012 by Licentiathe8th

Oct 15, 2012
Rachel Maddow explores the contradiction between the facts on President Obama's success at reducing the deficit every year since he was elected and the public perception that Mitt Romney would be better at reducing the deficit even though the math makes it clear that isn't true.

Rachel Maddow - How would Republicans prosecute rape victims?
Published on Oct 15, 2012 by Licentiathe8th

Oct 15, 2012
Rachel Maddow surveys the number of anti-choice Republican legislators, including Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan, who believe that abortion should be banned even in the case of rape or incest, leading to the question of what punishment they would recommend for a rape victim who ends a pregnancy that resulted from the rape.

Rachel Maddow - Indie political ads go rogue online
Published on Oct 15, 2012 by Licentiathe8th

Oct 15, 2012
Rachel Maddow reports on a trend in online political advertising, largely in support of President Obama, some of which is produced at professional quality and even occasionally with professional performers, operating outside the mega-money political contribution system.

Rachel Maddow - Rosie Perez speaks out against Romney on immigration
Published on Oct 15, 2012 by Licentiathe8th

Oct 15, 2012
Rosie Perez, actress and political activist, talks with Rachel Maddow about her Actually.org video mocking Mitt Romney's remarks about the advantages of being Hispanic, and why Romney is viewed so harshly by Latino voters.

The Last Word - Rewriting a Republican's birther joke
Published on Oct 16, 2012 by Licentiathe8th

Oct 15, 2012
The son of former Republican governor Tommy Thompson, who is running for Senate in Wisconsin, said this election is a chance to send President Obama back to Kenya. MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell explains more in the Rewrite.

Lawrence O'Donnell: Why & How Presidential Debate Rules Should Be Changed
Published on Oct 14, 2012 by politicalarticles
Sarah Palin's Joltin' 'Joe O'Biden' Kicks Paul Ryan's Bony 'Stimulus Hypocrite' Ass!: http://www.politicalarticles.net/blog/2012/10/12/sarah-palins-joltin-joe-obid...
The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell
Published on Oct 14, 2012 by DavidRam143

Vice Presidential Debate: Joe Biden vs. Paul Ryan

The ED Show - Sensata worker speaks out
Published on Oct 15, 2012 by Licentiathe8th

Oct 15, 2012
Last week we brought you a story about a Bain Capital owned car-sensor factor in Freeport Illinois that's being outsourced to China. Mary Jo Kerr, one of the workers from the factory, is speaking out on The Ed Show, telling people what she really thinks about Mitt Romney's past of outsourcing.

The ED Show - Biden's greatest hits in debate with Ryan
Published on Oct 12, 2012 by Licentiathe8th

Oct 12, 2012
Vice President Joe Biden delivered a debate performance Democrats and progressives were clamoring for when he squared off against Rep. Paul Ryan. MSNBC's Richard Wolffe joins Ed Schultz to review the highlights of the vice presidential debate.

Mitt Romney: Nobody Dies from Lack of Health Insurance
Published on Oct 15, 2012 by MidweekPolitics

--Mitt Romney doubles down on the claim that "We don't have people who die because they don't have insurance."

Completely Wrong Romney: Obamanomics
Published on Oct 14, 2012 by HopeForPeaceNow

One of the great talking points on the right is the massive spending spree Obama has been on. It's not true, but that never stops them from saying it. Does America know what level of lie is being prepetrated on them?

FoxNews Posterboy Gets Caught!
Published on Oct 15, 2012 by LandOfoz266

I guess what happens in Vegas doesn't stay in Vegas. A recent video of Steve Wynn (of Las Vegas's Bellagio, Treasure Island, Wynn Resorts, etc) which shows him attacking President Obama for not being business-friendly has been repeatedly played on Fox News and other right wing outlets lately - but they have only been playing certain snippets of the interview.... they aren't showing the part of the interview that is downright embarrassing to their argument and what they say are Obama's failings.

What we learn from Wynn in this video is:
1.) the rich and powerful are extremely frightened of Obama
2.) the rich are doing quite well under Obama
3.) the rich think Obama is bad at running the country
4.) see number 2

I'll leave it to you to figure out which Wynn we are talking to in this 'Face to Face' video. Is he the friendly, everyone-welcome visionary employer of many.... or is he the right leaning, Obama-is-a-socialist Republican who seems to turn tea party talker at the drop of a hat? Who knows? Does HE even know? He appears to not even know what his party affiliation is. Or tries to give that impression?

The host sure does, and calls him on it Big Time.

In just this brief example, you'll see how he goes from one face, to the other face, right before your eyes. The ironic part is that he is complaining that Obama is targeting the millionaires and billionaires of this country and calling them out for not helping a bit more... and yet he goes on to admit in the interview (not shown in this clip) that he and the other job creators are purposely sitting on their thumbs (his words, not mine). That's right, not investing in projects that would be beneficial to America.... merely because Obama is the boogey man and he is afraid of him.

I never heard such a load of BS in my life. Pretending to be 'in charge' and 'in control' of billions of dollars of investments... with the power to create resorts from flat desert and willingness to overcoming every obstacle... and YET, somehow terribly frightened of President Obama. Of what he 'may do'... even as they have record profits and continue to do well despite what George Bush left behind.

When someone has a hidden agenda, it usually takes some real depth of character to be able to keep that secret agenda tucked away from plain view.... without anyone catching on.

I guess the fact that we can clearly see the agenda in this video tells us all we need to know.

It's kind of sad actually. I had immense respect for Steve Wynn and his visionary perspective. He truly came across as a really thoughtful, intelligent man with endless energies and power to create ground breaking new wonders. No more. Watching him in this video changed all of that for me.

Sadly disappointed.

If Mitt Romney Can Lie To White Voters To Get Race Vote I Question America? Mepac For Obama.wmv
Published on Oct 14, 2012 by Marissa Fortunata

Mitt Romney, a flawed, dishonest flip flopping, coreless, unprincipled candidate is now using the evils of racism to bolster his campaign, and is now pulling out all stops to get white voters to vote against their own self-interest, 'shooting themselves in the foot', just to defeat the First African American President.

Even dirt poor whites are settling for the white Mitt Romney, even tough he promises to sign the Ryan Budget, which is Anti-Poor;

- even some white, child-bearing age white women are thinking of voting for the Anti-Abortion, Anti-Women candidate, just because he is white, and not the black Barack Obama, even if it means Roe v Wade is overturned, taking away their reproductive rights
-Some of the 47%-Ers are leaning toward the white Romney, even though he despises them as moochers and leeches, and has no agenda for them, except poverty.

Even some closet gays are voting for Romney, who's white and promises repeal of DODT and DOM.

The Romney race card even has some middle class voters thinking the rich, white Romney will lower their taxes, even when the trick math in his tax plan shows he will increase their taxes.

White voters who claim to love diplomacy and peace, are voting for the white Mitt Romney, even though he talks of war with Iran, and is surrounded by George Bush's foreign policy advisers, who are all warmongers.

Some white voters in the mid-west, who are working for the auto industry, or auto-related, that Obama saved, are voting for Romney, just because he is white. .....on and on.

"The evils of racism makes one think Irrationally unable to make right, sane, sensible decisions"........Dick Gregory, Actor Writer

I question America, if, in 2012, American voters are still voting their race, and not their self-interest. President Obama has a plan for all Americans to move forward, and live the American Dream, not just the rich. President Obama want world peace and not war, in order to line the pockets of rich military contractors. President Obama wants all American to have equity, regardless of who they love or what they look like. President Obama has a heart for America - he is not vying just to be president, to add to his resume. If white voters choose the white over the right, God Have Mercy On them. I question America. MEPAC OBAMA 2012

Weapons of Mass Destraction 360p
Published on Oct 11, 2012 by GLOBALPOLITICALAWAKE

Published on Oct 10, 2012 by DJKucinich
Ten years ago, on October 10, 2002, the United States House of Representatives made one of the most calamitous mistakes of a generation. Congress, with willful blindness, voted to attack, invade and occupy a sovereign, oil-rich nation in the Middle East that did not attack us and did not pose a threat to the American people.

The war in Iraq will ultimately cost the United States five trillion dollars. Four thousand, four hundred, eighty eight Americans were killed. Tens of thousands of Americans were injured. At least one million innocent Iraqis were killed. Iraq has become a home to Al Qaida which it certainly was not before our intervention. Resentment against the United States has made pursuing peace more difficult. And we still have thousands of armed contractors in Iraq -- paid for by U.S. taxpayers.

Many are trying to rewrite the history of the Iraq war. The people who led us into a war based on lies want us to believe that the intelligence community was duped. They don't want us to ask questions, because they don't want to be held accountable. Those repeating the myth that America was duped are perpetuating one of the biggest lies in American history.

Iraq did not pose a threat to the United States. Iraq had no Weapons of Mass Destruction. Iraq had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11. We were not duped. We were not fooled. It was obvious at the time. The evidence was in publicly available reports for anyone who cared to look. I personally distributed this memo to Members of Congress. In it I address the false justifications for war, point-by-point and establish the truth. I made the case in an hour-long presentation on the House floor. 133 Members of Congress were not duped; they voted against going to war with Iraq. The Bush Administration lied to the Congress and the American people to sell its war. The intelligence community wasn't duped, The American people were duped and we are still paying the price.

Why did they lie? After ten years, we have never held anyone accountable for the lies. Perhaps it would be useful to look at who benefited from the war. The Neoconservatives in the Bush Administration wanted to show the world American power by destroying an enemy. They thought that American power and American bombs could redraw the maps and ensure American hegemony and American access to cheap oil for a new century. Certainly the bombmakers and war profiteers have gained from a decade of war. The elite chattering class of State Department sponsored spokespersons from so-called "independent" think tanks have also benefited. This professional chattering class receives funding and attention by hyping threats and war. Who else benefited from the war?

America needs a period of truth and reconciliation. How can we avoid future wars if we don't understand how consent was manufactured for a war against Iraq?

For more information, please visit

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CNN's GUT CHECK for October 16, 2012

CNN Political Director Mark Preston and CNN Executive Producer Michelle Jaconi

CNN's GUT CHECK | for October 16, 2012 | 5 p.m.
- n. a pause to assess the state, progress or condition of the political news cycle

BY THE FLIP OF A COIN: ROMNEY WILL GO FIRST: Mitt Romney will get the first question at Tuesday's second presidential debate. Pre-game begins at 7 p.m. ET on CNN; the debate begins at 9 p.m. CNN Chief Political Correspondent Candy Crowley will moderate the town-hall-style debate.
UNCOMMITTED: Tuesday night's debate audience is comprised of "uncommitted" voters, not "undecided" voters. There is a difference and here is how the Commission on Presidential Debates describes them: "The Gallup Organization was directed by the Commission on Presidential Debates to recruit a sample of uncommitted voters who agreed to be a part of the Town Hall panel for the October 16th presidential debate at Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York. The participants were recruited as part of a random sample of all residents living in Nassau County, New York. Each resident contacted as part of this random sample was asked a series of questions about voting status and candidate vote choice, and those who met the screen for uncommitted voters were invited to be a participant in the debate. Uncommitted voters are those who either have no preference for a presidential candidate at this point, or who have a preference but are not committed to a candidate and say there is a chance they could vote for the other candidate."

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