We hosted our 3rd Planning Session for the upcoming 2nd Consultative Forum on Waste Management at the Nema offices in Nairobi this morning. In attendance we had; - Mr. Titus Simiyu- Provincial Director of Environment Nairobi County,
- Ms Anne Theuri- Nema Nairobi,
- Mr.Mario Kainga- Assistant Director of Environment City Council of Nairobi,
- Ms Doreen Ivy Odeck- Policy Department Ministry of Environment and Mineral Resources,
- Ms Elizabeth Wanza- The Clean Kenya Campaign-TCKC, and
- Mr. Odhiambo T Oketch- The Clean Kenya Campaign- TCKC- Chairing
We are almost through with all the Planning Logistics and the last meeting on the 23rd August 2012 at Nema Nairobi will help address all the outstanding issues. This meeting will be chaired by Madam Leah Oyake- Director of Environment at the City Council of Nairobi.
As many Teams continue to confirm their participation, we must make it clear that this Forum, in making practical steps towards the process of Separation of Waste at Source, will address the following issues; - Address the Problem of Waste Management
- Offer Practical Solutions to the issue of Waste Management
- Give tangible commitments and time lines for delivery,
- and, mobilize for the needed resources to help achieve the desired results
A Clean and pleasant neighbourhood
We all know how difficult the Campaign has been. We have issues of policy formulation, issues of massive awareness, issues of inadequate resources-both financial and human, inadequate equipment, goodwill, vested interests and all. But we have the confidence in the people of Kenya, that together, we can surmount all these issues and help deliver a Clean Kenya as our Transformative Deliverable as Kenya turns 50 Years on 1st June 2013.
We are hence inviting all participants to help us develop practical steps that we must take as a Team- all of us together without apportioning blame, as we move towards piloting the Process of Separation of Waste at Source.
Later, The Clean Kenya Team hosted a meeting with a delegation from Kounkuey Design Initiative- KDI. This Team was led by Ms April Schneider and it included Mr.Ibrahim Maina Nyaburi and Ms Jamilla Richelle Harper. The Clean Kenya Team was led by our Chair Mr. Elijah Agevi and it included Ms Elizabeth Wanza and myself.
Chairman Elijah Agevi shaking hands with Ms April Schneider as Odhiambo T Oketch, Elizabeth Wanza, Jamilla Harper and Ibrahim Maina looks on. This photo was taken today the 14th August 2012 at City Hall Annexe
The KDI has been doing tremendous work in Kibera where they have been reclaiming public waste spaces and developing them into parks, sanitary blocks and even creating gardens. You can visit more of what they are doing at
TCKC and KDI will partner in piloting the process of Separation of Waste at Source in Kibera and to start this process rolling, we will host a meeting with their Team Members in Kibera on the 21st August 2012 at 2.00pm. Then on the 25th August 2012, we will be joining with Fountain Youth Initiative in a massive clean up in Githurai.
The Clean Kenya Campaign is an Initiative that invites all Kenyans to take part. We must all do something for our Country even as we pay for Services and Service Delivery. That is the hallmark of being a responsible tax payer.
Let us all work for a Clean Kenya as a Transformative Deliverable as we turn 50.
Odhiambo T Oketch, Executive Director,
The Clean Kenya Campaign-TCKC Tel; 0724 365 557 Email; Blogspot; Website; Facebook; Odhiambo T Oketch Facebook; Monthly Nationwide Clean up Campaign Mailing Group;
The Clean Kenya Campaign is an Initiative of The KCDN Kenya. |