[wanabidii] Trump & Bibi, Civil Rights & Duma, Leftist refuses MDA treatment, Stopping the Intifada - Dec. 13, 2015

Monday, December 14, 2015

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December 13, 2015 / 1 Tevet 5776


Headlines & Recommended

Trump Tells CNN Netanyahu's Rebuke Was 'Inappropriate'
"Here's what I want to ask: Why is there such hatred? Why is there such death? Where does this hatred come from?
Trump on CNN with Jake Tapper 12-13-15

Op-Ed: The Slippery Slope of the Duma Case
"I believe the interrogators have crossed boundaries and red lines... these dark days for civil rights in Israel."
Meir Ettinger, grandson of Rabbi Meir Kahane, seen at Magistrate's Court in the northern city of Nazareth.

Analysis: Supreme Court Arab Justice Denies Jewish Suspects' Right to Attorney
Supreme Court of Israel Justice Joubran, who made news in the past for refusing to stand up for the singing of Israel's national anthem Hatikvah, wrote that he is convinced of the need to continue the incommunicado detention.
Only Arab Supreme Court Justice, Salim Joubran

U.S. Leftist Refuses Treatment at Israeli Hospital after Car Accident
The unidentified man waited for a Red Crescent ambulance to take him to a Ramallah hospital.
The driver of this car, an American leftist living near Ramallah, refused to be evacuated in a settlement's ambulance to an Israeli hospital.

Dozens of IDF Officers Protest Rivlin's Presence at Haaretz-NIF Meeting
The President's office says he will not appear when an anti-IDF group speaks, but the line-up of speakers looks like a "Who's Who" of anti-Zionists.

Rivlin Applauds Radical Leftist Jews at Obama's Hanukkah Party [video]
The Israeli President let Obama use him as a prop to promote a pluralistic agenda that turned Hanukkah into an excuse for Obama's agenda.
Preisdents Rivlin and Obama hear Susan Talve talks about the White House agenda in the name of Judaism.

How Do We Stop The Third Intifada?
No solution will succeed predicated on the false premise established 20 years ago with Oslo Accords
MK Moshe-Feiglin

UPDATE: Female Terrorist Tries to Stab Jews at Kiryat Arba [video]
The terrorist was shot and wounded. No one else was hurt.
Kiryat Arbam moments after security forces shot Palestinian Authority woman terrorist.

Terrorist Who Murdered Two Israelis in Tel Aviv Indicted
The terrorist repeatedly stabbed and murdered two men who were in the middle of afternoon prayer in a synagogue.
ZAKA personnel at the scene of where two Israelis were stabbed to death by terrorist indicted Sunday.

Update: Kiryat Arba and Police at Odds on Who Threw Rocks at Jews
The child was lightly injured. Kiryat Arba official says police lied that Jews threw rocks,. Police: The boys testified on identify of the rock-throwers.
Windshield smashed by rock-throwers.

Le Pen's National Front Loses Election Run-Offs in Three Key Regions
These elections may spell a bitter end to the rule of the once-powerful Socialist Party, which currently controls all but one of France's regions, but which came in third place in the first round.
Marine Le Pen

A Tragic War With No End In Sight
The only answer to brute force by evil & depraved fanatics is brute force by the good guys
Eli Verschleiser

Britain Apologizes for Detaining IDF Reserve Officer for War Crime
British security officials detained the officer after anti-Israel and pro-Arab groups filed a "war crimes" complaint.
war crimes

Netanyahu's Dog Quarantined after Biting Likud Knesset Member
The Prime Minister's dog, a former stray, also bit the husband of Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely.
Prime Minister Netanyahu with his dog Kaiya (when she was not biting him).

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