| | | Join me to protect these majestic species | | | | Dear Wanabidii, You already know that we are in danger of losing elephants, rhinos, lions and other African species – the only question is: will you help me do something about it? Right now is our chance to get the upper hand against poachers, which is why my husband Paul and I have teamed up with my colleague David Thomson to double your donation to African Wildlife Foundation, up to $200,000. Please join us with a gift today. Together with AWF, we are making poaching an increasingly risky business. | | | | Help us reach $200,000 for Africa's wildlife by 12/18. | | | | | | | | From AWF's Canine Detection Program – which is placing more sniffer dogs and their wildlife authority handlers at work in major airports and seaports – to training park rangers and giving them special equipment, we are closing in on poachers, often before they kill. But elephants, rhinos and other species are still dying – so we can't rest easy just yet. That's where you and I come in. Please make a gift to AWF today and we will double it to protect these incredible animals from extinction. Poachers have had it too easy for too long. It's time for us to fight back. | |  | Thank you, |  | Heather Haaga AWF Trustee | | | |  | | | | | |