[wanabidii] IDF captures Gush Etzion terror cell, Holocaust victim ashes secretly kept in school, Calling Yitzchak Herzog, Immorality of the Jews - Sept. 6, 2015

Sunday, September 06, 2015

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September 6, 2015 / 22 Elul 5775


Headlines & Recommended

IDF Captures Arab Terrorists with IDF Uniforms, Guns in Gush Etzion
The terrorists had IDF uniforms and weapons hidden in their home.
Weapons and equipment captured in Beit Omar

Who Saves the Arab in Hebron After an Arab Rescues a Jew?
Who will protect Faiz Abu Hamadya when he is targeted for rescuing Jewish tourists from a lynch mob in Hebron?
Rescue of five U.S. Chassidic yeshiva students in Hebron who came as tourists to Cave of the Patriarchs, Machpela and made a wrong turn.

The Immorality of the Jews
No one knows who killed Ali Dawabsha--perhaps Jews--but why rush judgment without hard evidence?
Picture from Facebook page of 'Untold History'

Ashes of Holocaust Victims Buried after Secretly Kept in French School
Their remains had been kept in jars and test tubes in a French medical school.
Holocaust survivors memorial, Yad Vashem, Jerusalem.

Lockheed Worried about IDF Unauthorized 'Modifications' in F-35
Lockheed: The Israelis have an ability to do some unique things, but anything wholesale…would have to be done by consensual agreement.
An F-35B Lightning II aircraft prepares to take off from the amphibious assault ship USS Wasp during an F-35 developmental test.

Israel Arrests Senior Gaza Terrorist Linked with ISIS
The Gaza City terrorist used a surgeon's house as a base when planting bombs on IDF patrol routes.
Nahel helped build terror tunnels and used them to travel from Gaza to SInai to plan attacks against Israels.

Orthodox Jewish Democrat Senator Cardin Messing with Obama's Numbers
Cardin has criticized Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu for his controversial speech given earlier in the year before Congress, but indicated that he agreed with Netanyahu that the deal had problems.
U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-DE)

Debbie Wasserman Schultz's 'Jewish Heart' Backs Iran Deal
Like most of the other Democrats supporting Obama, the deal worries her, but she thinks it is good for the US and for Israel.
Is Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz still a friend of Prime Minister Netanyahu?

US Warns Russia Over Military Buildup in Syria
The US warned Russia this weekend that its military building in Syria could lead to an unwanted escalation in the area.
UN troops look at smoke rising from Quneitra on the Syrian side of the Golan Heights.

Netanyahu: Israel Cares But Cannot Drown in Refugee Flood
PM Netanyahu says Israel is doing what it can to help refugees but is small and cannot open its doors to the flood.
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu leads the weekly government cabinet meeting.

Israel's Top Archaeological Sites- Temple Mount Excavations
Jerusalem's Old City is amongst Israel's most popular tourist sites and its beauty runs deep!
Robinson's Arch at base of the Temple Mount

Oy Jerusalem
Recent governments sacrificed upgrading Jerusalem's infrastructure for phony peace process with PA
Map of Jerusalem Municipality. Note location of Givat HaMatos, and its proximity to Gilo.

Emes Ve-Emunah: Is Objectifying Women Human Nature?
In dating women are seen 1st as objects; people 2nd regardless of claims to contrary from any group.
modesty sign

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