Dear all,
False messengers are playing God in this generation. They are saying that perversion is fine, they are saying that abomination is fine, they are saying that fornication is fine, and on and on it goes. It is grievous likewise when the nations will try to play God. They shall be accountable for the blood, for the lost, for the dying and for the perishing.
They are justifying the wickedness of men and they are damning their souls. While they think they are so merciful, so compassionate, so loving, they are blind fools. When any man will undermine the authority of His Word because he thinks he is more kind and loving and compassionate than even God, such man is a proud fool.
When they will overturn the righteousness of His Word, to bring in their own standard, they are bringing in death, destruction and their own damnation. Please continue to teach people the principles of His righteousness. Love and prayers in REPENTANCE REVOLUTION.