[wanabidii] United Kingdom Parliament Daily Digest Bulletin

Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Votes and Proceedings

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15-06-2015 01:00 AM BST

View the formal record of the proceedings of the House of Commons

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Summary Agendas and Orders of Business Update (UK Parliament)

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Tuesday 16 June 2015


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Read yesterday's House of Commons debates



Monday 15 June 2015

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  • Written Statements

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  • Petitions

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  • Ministerial Corrections

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Written questions and answers and Written statements are available to view on the Written questions and answers and Written statements pages.

The following link will allow you to view a copy of the updated information.

Latest news from the House of Commons

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15-06-2015 05:49 PM BST

Youth Select Committee wants your views on mental health issues

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Latest news from Parliament

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15-06-2015 05:49 PM BST

Youth Select Committee wants your views on mental health issues
15-06-2015 02:26 PM BST

Peers debate key purpose and principles of legislation

The following link will allow you to view a copy of the latest news items.

Scotland Act 2012 2010-12: latest update

You are subscribed to Scotland Act 2012 2010-12 for the United Kingdom Parliament

16-06-2015 10:20 AM BST

Scotland Bill: House of Commons Committee stage
16-06-2015 10:20 AM BST

Scotland Bill: Committee: 1st sitting
16-06-2015 09:57 AM BST

Scotland Bill: Committee of the Whole House Proceedings as at 15 June 2015

Questions for Oral or Written Answer - House of Commons

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16-06-2015 01:00 AM BST

Browse part 1 of the Question Book for details of written questions

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Latest Early Day Motions

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15-06-2015 01:00 AM BST

EDM number: 135
15-06-2015 01:00 AM BST

EDM number: 134
15-06-2015 01:00 AM BST

EDM number: 133
15-06-2015 01:00 AM BST

EDM number: 132
15-06-2015 01:00 AM BST

EDM number: 131
15-06-2015 01:00 AM BST

EDM number: 130
15-06-2015 01:00 AM BST

EDM number: 129
15-06-2015 01:00 AM BST

EDM number: 128
15-06-2015 01:00 AM BST

EDM number: 127
15-06-2015 01:00 AM BST

EDM number: 126
15-06-2015 01:00 AM BST

EDM number: 125
15-06-2015 01:00 AM BST

EDM number: 124
15-06-2015 01:00 AM BST

EDM number: 123
15-06-2015 01:00 AM BST

EDM number: 122
15-06-2015 01:00 AM BST

EDM number: 121

The following link will allow you to view a copy of the updated information.

Today's Written Statements Update

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Written statements are published on the internet as soon as possible after Parliament receives them and are also published in the next day’s edition of Hansard.

Links to the PDFs work until the written statements are published in Hansard at www.parliament.uk/business/publications/hansard/commons/, or you may wish to save the links as favourites.

16-06-2015 11:20 AM BST


European Union (Referendum) Bill 2014-15: latest update

You are subscribed to European Union (Referendum) Bill 2014-15 for the United Kingdom Parliament

16-06-2015 12:40 PM BST

European Union Referendum Bill: Committee of the whole House: Selection 1

European Union (Referendum) Bill 2013-14: latest update

You are subscribed to European Union (Referendum) Bill 2013-14 for the United Kingdom Parliament

16-06-2015 12:40 PM BST

European Union Referendum Bill: Committee of the whole House: Selection 1

Latest news from Parliament

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15-06-2015 05:04 PM BST

MPs to debate a motion to approve a statutory instrument relating to landfill tax
15-06-2015 03:20 PM BST

European Union Referendum Bill in a Committee of the whole House

The following link will allow you to view a copy of the latest news items.

Commons Briefing Papers: latest update

You are subscribed to Commons Briefing Papers for the United Kingdom Parliament

16 June 2015
The Secretary of State has powers to "call-in" a planning application and "recover" a planning appeal, to determine it himself. This note explains these powers further.

16 June 2015
Looks at the rules which came into force in April 2015 giving people more flexibility about when and how to access their defined contribution pension savings

16 June 2015
This note outlines the legal position and potential remedies available where people find themselves living next door to tenants of private landlords or owner-occupiers who exhibit anti-social behaviour.

16 June 2015
Personal Independence Payment (PIP) is replacing Disability Living Allowance for people of working age. Following its introduction for new claims in April 2013 there were problems with the claims process, with some claimants waiting six months or more for a decision. The previous Government said that, as a result of actions it was taking, by autumn 2014 no PIP claimant would have to wait more than six months for an assessment and by the end of 2014 no one would have to wait more than 16 weeks.

15 June 2015
This note sets out the background and recent events concerning the privatisation of Royal Mail. The privatisation of Royal Mail has taken place in two parts – the majority of the company was disposed of in 2013 and the sales of the remaining part started in June 2015.

15 June 2015
How does Parliament deal with EU Treaty amendments? Is primary legislation needed to implement them? This briefing looks at the parliamentary process of bills linked to the ratification of EU Treaty amendments and compares the amount of time spent on the major EU Treaties since the UK joined the European Economic Community in 1973.

Latest news from the House of Commons

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15-06-2015 05:04 PM BST

MPs to debate a motion to approve a statutory instrument relating to landfill tax
15-06-2015 03:20 PM BST

European Union Referendum Bill in a Committee of the whole House

The following link will allow you to view a copy of the latest news items.

Parliament on Twitter

You are subscribed to Parliament on Twitter for The United Kingdom Parliament. This information has recently been updated.

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United Kingdom Parliament House of Lords on Twitter Update

You are subscribed to the email alert for the House of Lords on Twitter for The United Kingdom Parliament. This information has recently been updated.

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Today's Written Statements Update

You are subscribed to Today's Written Statements for The United Kingdom Parliament.

Written statements are published on the internet as soon as possible after Parliament receives them and are also published in the next day’s edition of Hansard.

Links to the PDFs work until the written statements are published in Hansard at www.parliament.uk/business/publications/hansard/commons/, or you may wish to save the links as favourites.


High Speed Rail (London - West Midlands) Bill Select Committee (Commons): latest update

You are subscribed to High Speed Rail (London - West Midlands) Bill Select Committee (Commons) for the United Kingdom Parliament

European Union (Referendum) Bill 2014-15: latest update

You are subscribed to European Union (Referendum) Bill 2014-15 for the United Kingdom Parliament

17-06-2015 04:34 AM BST

European Union Referendum Bill: Notices of Amendments as at 16 June 2015

European Union (Referendum) Bill 2013-14: latest update

You are subscribed to European Union (Referendum) Bill 2013-14 for the United Kingdom Parliament

17-06-2015 04:34 AM BST

European Union Referendum Bill: Notices of Amendments as at 16 June 2015

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