[wanabidii] SIPRI Update May 2015: Stockholm Forum on Security and Development, Geopolitics of Peace Operations, NPT conference and more

Thursday, May 21, 2015
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Stockholm International Peace Research Institute
SIPRI Update: Global Security & Arms Control          
May 2015         blog-icon-box-orange-16.png

From ‘Statebuilding’ to ‘Stakebuilding’

A personal reflection from the Stockholm Forum on Security and Development by Gary Milante
The Stockholm Forum on Security and Development last week was a resounding success. If you are not familiar with the event, more than 200 senior policymakers, practitioners, academics and civil society representatives from around the world met at the Forum, co-hosted with Sweden’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to discuss ‘Promoting Sustainable Peace’. […] While the scope and the depth of the discussions make it hard to boil down the richness of the dialogues into a few simple points, there was one clear takeaway—on inclusivity and ownership—which struck me as a key message, demonstrating in its complexity how far the conversation on security and development has come.

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Stockholm Forum 2015

Promotion of sustainable peace in focus as global experts convened in Stockholm

Over 200 policymakers, researchers and practitioners gathered in Stockholm on 12-13 May for the second annual Stockholm Forum on Security and Development. Co-hosted by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) and the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, the 2015 forum explored the theme ‘Promoting Sustainable Peace’ with policy leaders and high-level experts. H.E. Isabella Lövin, Sweden’s Minister for International Development Cooperation and Co-Chair of the International Dialogue on Peacebuilding and Statebuilding and H.E. Kaifala Marah, Sierra Leone’s Minister of Finance and Economic Cooperation, and Co-Chair of the International Dialogue on Peacebuilding and Statebuilding, were key speakers at the opening session among others.

Access Minister Lövin’s opening address, check the Forum event pages for upcoming reporting; and see #SthlmForum, ‘recent events’ (below) and the essay in this issue (above).
From left: Minister Lövin, Minister Marah and Dr Milante

SIPRI's New Geopolitics of Peace Operations Initiative enters second phase

SIPRI is pleased to announce that its successful initiative is continuing into its second phase. Also in this new phase, SIPRI will continue its long-standing partnership with the Friedrich Stiftung Foundation, with support from the Finnish and Dutch Ministries of Foreign Affairs. The New Geopolitics of Peace Operations II: An African Outlook on Conflict Management will focus on creating a better understanding of the regional security environment in Africa, while also promoting both regional and global dialogue on how to better prepare the international conflict management system for future conflict in Africa. Milestone regional dialogue meetings are set to take place in Abuja, Addis Ababa, Douala, Maputo, and Bamako in 2015.

Read the announcement of the project’s first report and contact Dr Jair van der Lijn and Xenia Avesov for further information.
UN Photo/Marie Frechon

Follow SIPRI at the Non-Proliferation Conference

At the ongoing Non-Proliferation Conference, Tariq Rauf, Director of SIPRI’s Disarmament, Arms Control and Non-Proliferation Programme, provides assessments and reports. The conference convenes at the United Nations from 27 April to 22 May. As part of its involvement with the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) Conference, SIPRI has co-organized a discussion with Margot Wallström, the Swedish Minister of Foreign Affairs (see recent events below).

Check out the NPT website and follow the daily reporting.
NPT Conference
29 May 2015, Singapore
SIPRI China Expert launches book at Shangri La dialogue
Co-authored with Jonas Parello-Plesner, SIPRI’s Head of the China and Global Security Project Dr Mathieu Duchâtel launches China’s Strong Arm: Protecting Citizens and Assets Abroad (Routledge/IISS) on the Shangri-La dialogue, the 14 Asia Security Summit in Singapore later this month. The book describes how despite its principle of ‘non-interference’ in other states’ affairs, Beijing is finding itself progressively involved in other countries – through the need to protect their citizens’ interests and affairs. It shows that the shift in Chinese foreign policy towards a more interventionist approach abroad has not been the result of grand strategy, but an adjustment to unfolding events. The risk appetite of state-owned Chinese business is inexorably drawing the Chinese state into security hotspots, while citizens of the rising power demand that their government protects compatriots caught in crises overseas, including via military means.  

Read more about the book and contact Dr Mathieu Duchâtel for further information.

1-2 October 2015 Park Hotel, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
Call for Papers: Annual ‘Life in Kyrgyzstan’ Conference
The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), the International Security and Development Center (ISDC) and the University of Central Asia (UCA) are pleased to announce the first annual ‘Life in Kyrgyzstan’ Conference to take place in Bishkek on 1-2 October 2015. The two-day conference will bring together national and international experts from government and the public sector, development agencies, non-governmental organizations, academia and research institutions, and media to exchange knowledge and experiences on recent socio-economic developments in Kyrgyzstan and Central Asia, and to promote evidence-based policy making.

Deadline for submission for sessions or papers is 30 June. Read more and contact Dr Damir Esenaliev for further information. .

SIPRI Session, Stockholm Forum on Development and Security, 12-13 May
Arms Trade Treaty: Improving arms transfers’ controls and fostering security and development
The Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) entered into force on 24 December 2014. It is the first international legally binding agreement to establish standards for regulating the trade in conventional arms and preventing the illicit trade in weapons. It highlights the ‘security, social, economic and humanitarian consequences of the illicit and unregulated trade in conventional arms'. Moderated by SIPRI, representatives from the National Commission on Small Arms in Ghana, the UN Regional Centre for Peace and Development in Africa, the UN Regional Centre for Peace, Disarmament and Development in Latin America, the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the Swedish Peace and Arbitration Society among others, explored how future Arms Trade Treaty-related outreach and assistance efforts can be structured and implemented to meet partner state needs, and strengthen security and development. In particular, participants explored the important role of states, regional organisations and NGOs in this integrative process, as well as the need to build links with existing capacity building efforts.

Read more; check out #SthlmForum; and contact Mark Bromley for further information. A more comprehensive report from the session will be published soon.

SIPRI Session, Stockholm Forum on Development and Security, 12-13 May
Post-settlement peace processes and the challenges of building sustainable peace
A remarkable number of conflicts suffer from recurring violence. In addition to rendering conflict intractable, this implies a great loss of resources as gains achieved from peacemaking efforts and humanitarian assistance are depleted by the recurrence of violence. Drawing on the case of Mali, a workshop discussion on how local and global actors can overcome the challenges of transforming peace settlements into durable peace was animated by participants from civil society, the development community and academia. The discussion highlighted the importance of sustaining dialogue and other peacebuilding efforts as agreements only help to delineate the tools for the resolution of specific conflicts. Participants included representatives of civil society in Mali and Iraq, ECOWAS Mali, Sida in Mali, the Poverty Observatory in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Geneva-based UN Research Institute for Social Development, St John’s University in New York and SIPRI. SIPRI’s deputy director, Jakob Hallgren, moderated the discussion.

Read more; check out #SthlmForum; and contact Dr Gaudence Nyirabikali for further information. A more comprehensive report from the session will be published soon.

SIPRI Session, Stockholm Forum on Development and Security, 12-13 May
Information and communication technologies for democracy: challenges and opportunities
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have great potential for development policy and democratic governance. They enable information access and sharing among individual states and help them to mobilize around common ideas. However, ICTs also offer unprecedented opportunities for states to perform surveillance and censorship activities. Moderated by Dr Vincent Boulanin, this roundtable explored the extent to which ICTs generate opportunities and challenges for democratic development. Representatives from among others the Digital Rights Foundation and Bytes For All (Pakistan), Ericsson and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) discussed the various issues, including: the specific case of Pakistan; how Sweden supports Internet freedom and digital rights via its foreign policy; as well as the key role played by export control regimes in preventing authoritarian governments from accessing and using cyber-surveillance technologies.  

Read more; check out #SthlmForum; and contact Dr Vincent Boulanin for further information. A more comprehensive report from the session will be published soon. 

SIPRI Session, Stockholm Forum on Development and Security, 12-13 May
The European Union comprehensive approach to conflict and crisis
The European Union has been elaborating better working methods to enhance the coherence, effectiveness and impact of its policy and action in relation to conflict prevention and crisis resolution. In the context of this overall initiative to promote a comprehensive approach, this Forum Session considered the relationship between the short and specific interventions that have been undertaken in the framework of the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP), and the long-term engagement of the EU in fragile and conflict-affected countries. Moderated by SIPRI, representatives of the European Commission, on-going EU peace operations, national officials, parliamentarians and experts explored how long and short-term efforts can be properly sequenced as part of a wider effort to integrate all the instruments of EU external action. In particular, the session explored how to establish a common policy framework for actions, the main priorities for a comprehensive approach, which capacities are needed to promote success and how they can be mobilized.  

Read more, check out #SthlmForum and contact Dr Ian Anthony. A more comprehensive report from the session will be published soon.


>> Pieter Wezeman talks to IPS on arms purchases by the Gulf States.

>> Siemon Wezeman comments on Viet Nam’s arms purchases to Bloomberg, published by Washington Post.

>> Shannon Kile on nuclear weapons in Swedish Radio’s science programme Vetandets Värld and Vetenskap och miljö.

>> Mathieu Dûchatel published an opinion article on Japan's China policy with Asialyst. He also contributed to an article on China in Die Welt.

>> Bob Kelley gave Deutsche Welle an interview on the Iranian nuclear deal. He also talked to CTV News Channel on the same issue.

>> Tariq Rauf talked about nuclear safeguards in Sri Lanka to the Sunday Times.

>> More SIPRI in the media ...


Trends in world military expenditure, 2014

Global military expenditure in 2014 was an estimated $1776 billion, representing a marginal fall of about 0.4 per cent in real terms compared to 2013.

Total expenditure was equivalent to 2.3 per cent of global gross domestic product (GDP). This is the third consecutive year that total global military expenditure has decreased. However, the falls during the previous two years have been comparatively small; world military expenditure is still only 1.7 per cent below its 2011 peak, and it remains significantly above the levels of the late 1980s.

SIPRI Military Expenditure Database includes newly released information on military expenditure in 2014. This Fact Sheet describes the global, regional and national trends in military expenditure that are revealed by the new data.

Read more and download the Fact Sheet.

Trends in international military expenditure, 2014

SIPRI Annual Review 2014

Annual Review 2014 contains highlights from SIPRI's research programme activities in 2014 as well as details of flagship SIPRI events and publications, media coverage, financial information, and staff facts and figures.

This second edition of the SIPRI Annual Review aims at telling the story of SIPRI’s activities during the past year and serves as both a reference work and a colourful snapshot of some of the exciting events that occurred during 2014.

Read the online version and contact Stephanie Blenckner for more information.

Maritime Policy Briefs covers
Western Arms Exports to China

Western Arms Exports to China

The SIPRI Top 100 arms-producing and military services companies, 2013

The SIPRI Top 100 arms-producing and military services companies, 2013

Violence against healthcare workers in complex security environments

Violence against healthcare workers in complex security environments

  © SIPRI 2015. ISSN 1654-8264.
Contact SIPRI by email: sipri@sipri.org; telephone: +46 8 655 97 00; or post:
SIPRI, Signalistgatan 9, SE-169 70 Solna, Sweden. Visit us online at www.sipri.org.
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