[wanabidii] Save lives in Israel this Passover. - (JewishPress.com Promotion)

Thursday, April 02, 2015

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It's not manna from heaven, but this Passover, provide something just as crucial to the survival of the Israeli people.
Image of MDA paramedics loading a terror attack victim on a stretcher into ambulance.  
In a country where terrorism and sporadic rocket barrages are an all-too-frequent occurrence, your gift to Magen David Adom ensures Israel's national paramedic organization has the medical supplies it needs to save lives. So this year, while you recount the story of the Jews' redemption from slavery, your gift will help modern-day Israelis survive the threats they face today.

Thank you for making a gift today. And we wish you and your family a Pesach kasher v'sameach.
Make a gift to help save a life in Israel today.
Contact AFMDA
For information about sponsoring additional medical equipment, including ambulances,
contact your regional AFMDA office.

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