[wanabidii] EU targets Israel, El Al Wildcat Strike affect NY travelers, Arabs riot because..., Nov. 17, 2014

Monday, November 17, 2014

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November 17, 2014 / 24 Heshvan 5775


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Headlines & Recommended

EXPOSED: EU to Target Israeli Politicians and Sovereignty
EU leaks latest noxious bag of dirty tricks to inflict on Israeli politicians and sovereignty
Israeli Minister of Economics Naftali Bennett, July 06, 2014. Bennett is one of the Israeli politicians with whom the EU may refuse contact.

IDF Officer Loses Finger in Arab Fireworks Attack
The injured officer was taken to Hadassah hospital...
Ambulance & Jeep

Breaking: Wildcat Strike Ground El Al Flights
Six El Al flights were cancelled tonight at the last minute - targeting New York and Hong Kong travelers to and from Israel.
Ben Gurion Airport

Amusing - The EU Lady Got Her Own Quote Wrong!
Is this the world's longest oxymoron or just a misquote?
EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini of Italy.

Jerusalem Arabs Riot against Israel because Arab Bus Driver Hanged Himself
It seems that "Zionist settlers executed" the "martyr."
Suicide of Jerusalem Arab bus driver's suicide gives rioters another excuse to attack police.

Yehudah Glick Medical Update
Wonderful news as Yehudah Glick is able to be moved around, sitting up on a wheel chair and without any breathing equipment attached.
Yehuda Glick Wheelchair

Un-Caged Knesset Beasts Claw Each other as Election Bait
This coalition likes to survive by blood-letting.
This is not a Knesset member disguised as a leopard because a leopard does not change its spots.

Arab Uses Screwdriver to Attack Jew in Jerusalem
Young Arab terrorist stabbed an Israeli with a screwdriver in central Jerusalem.
Israeli who was stabbed by an Arab assailant with a screwdriver was treated at the kotel by Mogen Dovid Adom emergency personnel. Nov. 16, 2014.

White House and State Dept. Networks Hacked
White House and State Dept. networks hacked by "state actor," probably Russia or China
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and state department employees during a state department

By being lenient with minor offenses, Israel's government only encourages major offenses.
Israeli police shoot tear gas to disperse Arab rioters throwing rocks after Friday prayers in Arab neighborhoods n Jerusalem.

Midwest White Supremacist Sorry He Killed Gentiles instead of Jews
However, he murderer is happy that he thinks he made Jews feel less secure.
F. Glenn Miller regrets that his murder victims were not Jews.

UK Jews Invited British J Street Into its Inner Sanctum
The UK Board of Deputies of Jewish Organizations voted to admit the British version of J Street.
Sample of the focus Yachad has for the trips on which it takes Jewish students to Israel.

American-Israeli PR Pioneer Charley Levine z"l Dies at Age 62
He and his wife Shelly were one of the most influential American couples in Israel.
Charley J. Levin, z

A Conversation with Rabbi Berel Wein and Malcolm Hoenlein
Presented by the Destiny Foundation and the Young Israel of Flatbush.
Berel Wein and Malcolm Hoenlein

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The EU Lady Got Her Own Quote Wrong!
The Muqata
EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini of Italy.

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