[wanabidii] [GazaArk] Get on board Gaza's Ark with your purchases!

Thursday, April 03, 2014
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Support Palestinian Producers Exporting from Gaza 



You can share in the voyage to challenge the blockade by purchasing Palestinian export goods from Gaza.

Now that the refurbishment of Gaza’s Ark is almost complete, our focus is shifting towards facilitating sales contracts for Palestinian products that will be exported when we sail against the blockade. By purchasing Palestinian exports from Gaza, buyers around the world can bring critically-needed public attention to the blockade while supporting Palestinian producers in Gaza.

According to the NGO Gisha, which monitors access to and from Gaza, exports of goods from the Gaza Strip “are still at just two percent of their pre-2007 levels”; this is “due to the ongoing ban on marketing goods from Gaza in Israel and the West Bank." The wide-ranging ban on exports to Israel and the West Bank, which until 2007 accounted for 85% of the market for Gaza producers, limits any real economic development in the Strip.

This is why Gaza’s Ark aims to establish a new trade route out of the only Mediterranean port closed to international shipping, to open new markets for Palestinian products – markets that do not depend on Israeli-controlled land crossings.

Our organization is only able to offer a small selection of the many possibilities of the Palestinian economy in Gaza. To see the products available through Gaza’s Ark and the conditions of sale, go to http://www.gazaark.org/products/. For more information, order forms and payment details, please contact us at products@gazaark.com. Many people have joined with other organizations, associations or supportive businesses to make a group purchase: do you know others who share your support for Palestine?

Voyages that challenge the blockade of Gaza involve risks, and by purchasing export goods to sail with Gaza’s Ark, you or your organization will be sharing in part of those risks. While we cannot guarantee that you will receive the products that you purchase, we can guarantee that the message of hope that your purchase will send to the besieged Palestinians of the Gaza Strip will be heard loud and clear.

Please join us in helping to build hope that Palestinians have for a sovereign economy, independent of their occupier!

You can also help support Gaza’s Ark by:
 * organizing an event in your local community (please contact us at info@gazaark.org)

 * donating online towards completing the refurbishment of Gaza’s Ark

 * endorsing and asking organizations to endorse http://www.gazaark.org/endorse/

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