Some of these things are so absurd that one just laughs instead of crying. What does a Pastor need a Prado for? What happened to vow of poverty as per St. Peters? I can't even comment on such a ridiculous thing.
HELP …. Pastor wants donation to complete payment of his new Toyota Prado in Kisumu
The Kenyan DAILY POST County News 16:20
Saturday 2nd November 2013 - A pastor from a church in Kisumu wants congregates & well-wishers to help him complete payment for his new Toyota Prado.
The pastor of Johera Church bought the car but he has not been able to complete the balance of Sh 300,000.
He thus cannot take the vehicle from the dealers. Speaking to the media, the Man of God said that God had appeared in his dream requesting him to get the car so as to be able to shepherd the flock well and easily.
He alleged that his flock stayed as far as 5km and with the car it will be easy for him to reach them and provide the help needed.
The congregation donated the cash and he paid but there was a deficit of Sh 300,000. He is now appealing to well wishers and others who will be touched by God's spirit to donate for him the balance.
Sources say that he usually goes round reminding people on the scripture that says "happy is the hand that gives than the one that takes."
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