This guy gave a 1,000/- note in church but had only meant to give 100/- alms but the pastor would not give him back the 900/- change. He understandably got irritated.
Pastor REFUSES to 'return change' in church……… funny in Kakamega
The Kenyan DAILY POST County News, Gossip and Drama 15:55
Sunday 27th October 2013 - There was drama at a church in Kakamega today morning after a pastor allegedly refused to give back 'change' to a believer. The believer had given out Sh 1,000 as offering and wanted to offer only Sh 100, hence asked the pastor who was receiving to give him back the balance.
However, the pastor ignored his pleas insisting that whatever goes to God cannot be reversed. He continued leading the offering session urging the congregation to contribute as much as possible quoting the famous saying that the hand that giveth receiveth more.
All through the man was standing there waiting for his balance of Sh 900. The offering service was done and the man feeling ignored, attacked the pastor. He firmly held him by the collar insisting to have his balance sending the whole congregation into laughter.
To avoid more embarrassment the pastor gave him all the Sh 1,000 he had contributed bringing the drama as well as the church service to an end.
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