[wanabidii] UN says Rwanda troops help DR Congo rebels: envoys

Friday, August 30, 2013


Good People,


President Kagame of Rwanda should be put to task on the instability of Congo by engineering, facilitating and financing M23. There are enough evidence and he must not be left to get away with it.


This will serve as a measure of discipline to those of like minded who lack idea of good governance with just rule of law, but believe in the jungle rule of theft, massacre, invasion with illegal occupation of land through land grabbing to get rich quick.


Lack of wisdom with inability to be responsible drive people to hopelessness without focus for sustainability drive. Because of this, Kagame have created too many enemies for himself because of acting stupid........He will only realize his stupidity and foolishness once he is commissioned to face justice at the ICC Hague.


I feel sorry for Kagame, because, one way or the other, the world must unite with the people of Congo for justice to be doneand the spirit of reconcilliation to begin to reconcile the broken hearted, so life can be of meaning and people to begin to plant seeds for happiness, putting behind their torment, pain and sufferings for the sake of a better future........


The enemy of Africa as well as reason for poverty with ineffective development, lies in the pillars of corruption, graft and impunity.  Dealing with corruption demands commitment of the people to demand how they wish to be governed.  Peoples demand can be made strong where the people having understood that, the Government is people and the peoples interest comes first, commit to form themselves in a unity of purpose under Civil Societies, they then agree to fight and challenge corruption, graft and impunity by all means, form and shape, and through voices of reason they make their voices heard and they demand for answers.  This will help stop Conflict of interest by public servants through checks and balances.


Government officials with political elected members are the facilitators of economic crimes which consists of under-table deals that spur corruption from abuse of office and with it, they cannot avoid engaging in fraud with embezzlement and misappropriation of public funds which amounts to breach of trust.  It also includes engaging in projects without planning because of the hurry to put money in their pockets as fast as they could before they are caught dipping their hands in a honey jar.

The behavior are fraudulent in nature and are what has failed Africa's public institutions with economic collapse and are what created worrisome poverty index in Africa.  If found, those involved must be made to pay or be punished for corruption offences and economic crimes they put the country, and in the event, they damage public property with great loses in Tax evasion including the avoidance of levy.  This means that, the country is flooded with sub-standard or defective goods, many times, payments are made for services not rendered or goods that are not supplied at all.


Economic crimes must punishable, which is why, people must engage their Government through demanding for Responsibility, Integrity, Transparency and accountability;  without which,  politically correct network will always lobby for free loading of public utilities, facilities, misappropriation and embezzlement of public finances, wealth and resources.


Judy Miriga
Diaspora Spokesperson
Executive Director
Confederation Council Foundation for Africa Inc.,



UN says Rwanda troops help DR Congo rebels: envoys

    A Congolese soldier runs past a tank in Kanyarucinya, around 10 km from Goma in DR Congo on July 17, 2013
    22 hours ago

    The United Nations said Thursday it had "consistent and credible reports" of Rwandan troops entering the Democratic Republic of Congo to back rebels battling government forces and UN troops.

    Rwanda has repeatedly denied charges that it backs the M23 rebels, who occupied the city of Goma in eastern DR Congo for 10 days last November.

    But as fresh fighting flared in the resource-rich region, assistant UN secretary general Edmond Mulet told the Security Council that Rwandan soldiers had assisted the fighters, according to diplomats.

    On Thursday, government forces backed by UN troops shelled rebels near Goma.

    Artillery fire could be heard around Kibati north of Goma, the capital of the turbulent North Kivu province, where the DR Congo army and a newly-formed UN intervention brigade have been battling M23 rebels for a week.

    The UN brigade has been given the first ever mandate by the UN Security Council to launch offensive peacekeeping operations against armed groups.

    As tensions ran high along the border, a Rwandan woman was killed and her baby injured in what Kigali alleged was "deliberate" cross-border shelling by the DR Congo army, the FARDC.

    Mulet, however, said UN forces had witnessed M23 rebels firing artillery from into neighbouring Rwanda, according to the diplomats.

    "MONUSCO has not witnessed any shelling by the FARDC into Rwanda. These are areas where FARDC are not present," Mulet was quoted as saying.

    UN leader Ban Ki-moon had telephoned Rwanda's President Paul Kagame to urge "restraint" over the mounting tensions in eastern DR Congo, Mulet told the closed Security Council meeting, according to diplomats.

    His briefing is set to ignite new controversy over external backing for the rebels who have been battling the DR Congo government around the key eastern city of Goma for the past 18 months.

    A UN soldier from Tanzania was killed in the fighting on Wednesday, and three South African soldiers have been hurt in the clashes.

    The M23 rebels have emerged as one of the most formidable forces operating in the DR Congo's east. They accuse the Kinshasa government of reneging on a 2009 peace pact and a deal to hold direct talks, and have threatened to attack Goma again.

    Rwanda -- a temporary Security Council member -- has blocked a bid to impose UN sanctions on two M23 leaders as well as a council press statement condemning the death of the Tanzanian peacekeeper, diplomats said.

    Rwandan Foreign Minister Louise Mushikiwabo issued a furious statement condemning the DR Congo army, accused of firing on Rwanda and supporting Hutu rebels involved in the Rwandan genocide of 1994.

    "We have remained restrained for as long as we can but this provocation can no longer be tolerated. We have the capacity to determine who fired at us and will not hesitate to defend our territory. Rwanda has a responsibility to protect its population," she said.

    Western military sources who asked not to be named said that the latest clashes could be a prelude to a full-on assault by the army and UN troops. They have an unprecedented mandate to take the offensive against the armed movements long active in the mineral-rich but impoverished Kivu region.

    The two eastern Kivu provinces, North and South, have been chronically unstable since two wars wracked the vast country between 1996 and 2003, drawing in armies from neighbouring and southern African countries, who fought in part over access to vast mineral wealth.

    All flights to Goma, a city of a million people, have been suspended since the outlying airport is vulnerable, said a source in MONUSCO, the UN mission in the country.

    The UN intervention force is using attack helicopters and mortars in the Kibati hills, while firing on other rebel positions with heavy artillery, according to MONUSCO spokesman Madnodje Mounoubai.

    UN-deployed South African snipers have also reported killing six M23 rebels.

    Four shells fell early Wednesday night on Goma, two of them striking the area where the airport lies east of the city, but nobody could say who fired them. Residents said shellfire killed one person and wounded about 15 others in the north of the city.


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